Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Three things I always have in my bag

All girls have a lot in their bags. I am no exception. And my bag used to look like a pharmacy and a makeup shop. This was both inconvenient and very heavy when I was going anywhere. So I decided to tidy and pick out some products I needed. This resulted in three solid products that I always have in my bag.

Nr.1: Hand lotion. A good hand lotion is always something you should have in your bag. Especially in winter when the skin tends to become dry and crack. There are many brands to choose from, but I swear the little pink from Vaseline Intensive Care. Cheap and good!

Nr. 2: Dry shampoo. This is a fantastic smart spray for all that easily get oily hair or do not have time to wash theire hair for example between work and party. You spray it simply into the scalp, massage and comb. And suddenly your hair washed and smells wonderful. Recommended!

Nr. 3: Eos lip balm. This is something that should be in everyone should have in theire bag. Keeps lips moist at the same time they are healthy. And as a plus, this smells fantastic!

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