Nr. 2: Dryshampoo. This is a fantasticsmartsprayfor allthat easilyget oily hairor do not havetime towash theirehairfor examplebetween work andparty.Yousprayit simplyinto thescalp,massage andcomb.And suddenlyyour hairwashedandsmellswonderful.Recommended!
Nr. 3: Eoslipbalm.This is somethingthat shouldbe ineveryone shouldhave in theirebag.Keepslipsmoistat the same timethey are healthy.And asa plus,thissmellsfantastic!
In today'ssociety,appearanceis a very importantfactor inhow weare accepted indifferent socialenvironmentsand groups.For examplethe brandon your clothes, the colorsyou dressin,and evenyour hair colormay play arole.Butmost peopleagree, is thatyour physical appearanceplaysperhaps thebiggestrole. Forexample, ifyou arehiring anperson to anew job,and you have twogirlsto choose from.Onegirl isfit,slim,a pretty faceandlongshiny hair.The othergirlis a bitshubby, oilyskin andgreasy hair, andoverallprettyugly. Who wouldyouthenhire?And nowyou may thinkthatlooks havenothingto say, Ihirethe one withmost experience.But hadyou beenina situation, you hadthought about theone you hiredas a facefor the company.Andthereforeyou hadhired thebestinappearance. But unfortunately, not allare fortunatewith genes.And somemay needsome help.Personally Ido notfeel sorry forthose whoare fat, Ibelieve this isthere ownfault, andthey shouldstopeating whenthe weightcrushedwhen theywere onit.Firstly,they can onlydietand startexercising,and secondly, there issomething calledsurgery. But youalso havesome thatunfortunatelyare lessattractive.Orwho are justunhappywith themselves.Therefore, we haveplastic surgery.They canfixanything.Iactuallyconsidermyselftosilicone.My boobsareuneven anda bit toosmallI think.So myopinion onplastic surgery:do youthink youneedit, justdo it!
Victoria'ssecrethascome up witha newdesign ontheir "VerySexy"collection.For those of youwho arefamiliar with the "miraculous"collection, it isdesignedpretty similar.It has the samewing-shapedor heart-shapedlacedesignwherethe cupsmeet.But this timeI would saythey have beensomewhatinspiredby Spanishlace,that is, witha hintof flowers inthe laces. And not onlyis thethe bravery elegantand sexy,they have alsodesigned abikini bottomto it,which has thesamelaceon the sideslikethe bra.And totop itall off, awaist beltin the samestyle withdrawstringsidesso you can adjustwhere youwant it.There is onlyon expression forsuch alingerieset:va-va-voom!
Ah,there's nothinglovelier thanwaking upin the morning,pull awaythe curtainsand seethe sunoutside the window.Soonyou noticethat the snowhas startedmelting,the birdssing andthe thermometershowsdegrees ofredinsteadofblue.Andit is especiallywonderful toopen upthe window,and liein bedfor fivemore minutes.Just liethere andenjoy the freshair.And thatwas exactlywhat I didtoday. I actually havetime off from worktoday,something I have nothad sinceschool!I do not workSaturdays andSundaysof course, butusually alwaysat workMonday toFriday from8:00am to4:00pm.So todayI willenjoy the dayand enjoythe fantasticfirst touch ofspring.Let's hopethis isan indication ofthe restof it. At the momentI lieat home inmy wonderfulbed,under myverylovelyand warmquilt.And onmy arm, I havemy dogDiego,a cute littleWelshCorgiPembroke.For thosewho have neverever seenaCorgibefore,these aredogswith incrediblepersonalities andfunbuilt.Theyhave quitenormalbodybut veryshort legsand verylarge ears. And they areveryrowdy.They areherding dogs, andthereforeliketo collectthings.Theycollecteverything.Everything fromsocks andunderwear,to newspapersand magazines.Andwe have inadditionto the dog, threecats.Andof coursehe mustgather theseas well.It'susually prettybad forhim,all threeare in factmale catsand quitedifficult.Buthe managedonceto get allon top ofthe dining room table,and then he wasquite proud. But now Ishould get up andtake a walk withDiego.Talk to youlater.
After a fantasticweekend inCopenhagen,I am left withfond memoriesand an expandedwardrobe.Amongother things, I boughta whitesnakeskinhandbag,fakeleatherof course, fromGuess.A pair ofblack pumpsfrom Bianco, a longpurpleevening dressthat I will usein my sisters wedding,my sister, lingeriefromNewYorker,and more.Butwhat I ammost pleasedwith ismy newfragrancefromJuicyCouturecalledViva laJuicy. Itsmellsso good!And I'vefinally founda perfumeboth I andmyboyfriendlike.Itis reallyrecommended!